Attention: CommunityCare will be performing systems maintenance Friday, February 21st starting at 5 p.m. through midnight on Saturday, February 22nd. Some online documents, tools and resources may be unavailable during this time. Thank you for your patience.

Non-Emergency Transportation

Need a ride to your doctor? Senior Health Plan includes non-emergency transportation on all of our plans. If you need a ride to your doctor — either one way or round trip — call SafeRide to schedule a ride.

Call SafeRide to schedule a ride: 1-833-509-0256
Dual Eligible
Coverage per year
36 one-way trips each year

Members have up to 36 one-way trips each year. A round trip counts as 2 of your 12 trips.

  • You pay $0 for transportation, whether one way or round trip.
  • There is a 50 mile one way distance limit.
  • For procedures requiring anesthesia, the member must be accompanied by a responsible adult who is at least 18 years old.
  • Members are required to provide their own wheelchairs if needed, as they will not be available through the transportation provider.

Rides must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment by calling SafeRide.

See your Evidence of Coverage for more information

Members on a Medicare Retiree group plan may have different benefits. Check your plan year benefit grid or call Customer Service with questions. Be sure to let us know what retiree group you are with.