Non-Emergency Transportation

Need a ride to your doctor? Senior Health Plan includes non-emergency transportation on all of our plans. If you need a ride to your doctor — either one way or round trip — call Customer Service to schedule a ride.

Platinum, Platinum Plus and Silver (MA only) plans have up to 12 one-way trips each year. Silver Plus has up to 10 one-way trips each year.

We contract with several different transportation providers to ensure that a driver is ready when you are. If you just need a ride one-way, you are using one of your trips and will have a $5 copay. If you schedule a ride to and from your doctor, you are using 2 of your trips, but it is still a $5 copay.

Rides must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance of your appointment by calling Customer Service. Once your appointment is over, the receptionist will call your driver and they will pick you up.

There is no mileage restriction — you can use this benefit to get to any of our contracted doctors in the service area.

Members on a Medicare Retiree group plan may have different benefits. Check your plan year benefit grid or call Customer Service with questions. Be sure to let us know what retiree group you are with.